Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 21 - A well earned rest (and Boxing Day and M's mum's birthday!)

Today was the rest day, so we slept in until quite late, having breakfast around 12:30pm! After that we headed off to see some of the sights of Chandigarh. We visited the Nek Chand Rock Garden, which was quite amazing, especially considering it's made mainly of rocks and junk. As it was the weekend it was also crowded with locals, and K was asked a couple of times if she could be photographed, which could be one of the reasons she likes India so much!

After the Rock Garden we also visited the Lake, which had even more people, with many of them on paddleboats on the lake.

Back to H's place after that for a pleasant evening on the roof with some of H's friends and family, and another late-ish night!

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