Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 32 - If only Border Security had been filming .....

Last day of the holiday .... and yep, it sucks big time! However, determined to make the most of it we headed over to the KLCC plaza for breakfast and some last minute shopping (mainly for food to eat on the flight home!).

With the help of some scales we managed to distribute all of our luggage into correctly weighted groups, and headed off to LCCT to get the flight home. The flight was uneventful, but also more comfortable than the outgoing one, which we think is due to travelling during the day after a relaxing holiday, rather than after midnight while in a fragile (super stressed) mental condition!

On arrival in Customs, we declared the horse name plaques we had made for us in Manali - we had purchased 12 of them, with painted horse names on lacquered pine wood, for around AU$30 - a bargain! However (and we thought this may have happened), they had to be treated before they could be allowed in - so our $30 bargain had another $60 added to it for the treatment. Hopefully we'll get the plaques some time in the next 5 weeks .......

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