Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 92 – Staying dry in Gonder

Gonder, Goha Hotel

Finally – no alarm clock required after so many early starts! After breakfast we booked a taxi and had a leisurely tour of the rest of Gonder’s main sights. This included a visit to the Kuskuam Complex, where we were given cloth tapers to hold while we viewed a glass topped coffin containing the bones of Empress Mentewab and her two sons, and also were able to witness a trainee priest practicing his singing.

Fasilada’s Bath was another interesting site – when we visited it the bath was empty, but around January 10th each year the bath is filled, blessed, and then used as a swimming pool by hundreds of locals and tourists.

We had timed things pretty well – shortly after we arrived back at the hotel Gonder turned on the rain - welcome news for the locals and their crops, and a good excuse for us to have lunch and laze around all afternoon (as if we need any excuse …..).

K is really enjoying the Ethiopian way of getting a waiters attention, you just need to clap your hands once – hopefully she won’t keep doing it once we leave here!

1 comment:

danbury park slave said...

lol clapping with your hands