For a change the tourist information office in Heidelberg was really helpful, they told us how to get the tram (yes, more trams) to our hotel.
Heidelberg is really pretty, it's on the river with hills around and is quintessentially German - well to our Aussie eyes anyway. In the evening we trammed into town, then walked through the Altstadt and along the river, noting points of interest to revisit tomorrow.
After lunch we crossed the river and did the Philosopher's Walk, with more nice views of the river, city and castle. Midway through it started raining, we managed to stay dry by taking cover along the way, but as it turned out we ended up getting drenched later on when we had to get from the tram stop to our hotel!
Overall we have enjoyed Heidelberg, and its easy to see why it's known as "everyone's favourite German city".
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