Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 130 - Hot hot hot

Medellin to Cartagena

Another flight, this time from Medellin to Cartagena on Colombia's Caribbean coast. Medellin airport is another one that's way out in the countryside, so the drive to the airport took a while but we had great views of the city as we climbed out of the valley.

We arrived into Cartagena in quite heavy rain and were met at the plane exit with large umbrellas to get us down the steps to the covered walkway - great service. We were straight away hit with the hot steamy temperature, this was different! We arrived at our apartment block still trying to come to grips with the change in weather, we had been asking for hot - and that's what we got!

Our apartment is on the 41st floor right across the road from the beach with of course a fab view. After going for a couple of walks the little we have seen seems to be a cross between the Gold Coast (think lots of development, lots of tourists) and Goa (chairs on the beach, people selling all sorts of stuff).

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