Thursday, April 26, 2018

Day 3 - Singapore

M’s birthday today and we caught the train to Harbourfront, it's pretty impressive how clean, easy and efficient the train system is, not a homeless person in sight, is that just because of the areas we are visiting? 

Once we arrived we caught the cable car to Sentosa Island, we bypassed the theme parks and visited the fort instead. The fort was interesting but the heat and humidity was a real killer. We made full use of our cable car ticket, visiting every stop on the two lines including Mount Faber.

We then did a quick stop at Orchard Road for a little shopping. In the evening we went to Marina Bay Sands to take the lift 57 floors to the Skypark, the area where non guests are allowed (for a fee) to check out the view of Singapore. We had timed it for dusk to watch the Gardens by the Bay light show but in hindsight it was a little too 
far away and a bit underwhelming.

We then caught the train to Arab St, obviously the Arabian section of Singapore which was very Turkish in character but we still managed to find an Indian restaurant before heading back to our apartment to pack up and head for the airport for our 2.30am flight to Athens. That's the problems with these cheap flights, there's a reason why they're cheap!

Singapore is a little different to most other airports as in the hand luggage security check is at the gate not in the main airport section. The problem with this is that the area is only opened up an hour before the flight leaves so there is a huge queue and you have to enter the lounge without any water. Once you get through the baggage check the line for the one water fountain is even longer as everyone knows they are getting on a flight where you have to pay an exorbitant price for a bottle of water. They started making final call announcements and many gave up and left the queue to board, we managed to get a little water but many others missed out.

We were lucky to have a spare seat between us which made the 11 hour 20 minute flight in the middle of the night a little more comfortable.

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