Sunday, June 10, 2018

Day 48 Dubrovnik to Hvar

We were woken up a few times during the night to the sound of torrential rain but when we got up at 5.30am the sky was blue and it appeared as if it was going to be a beautiful day. We caught an Uber to the port to catch the 7am ferry to Hvar, an early start but the only other choice we had was 4.30pm.

We had originally thought we would island hop from Korcula to Hvar but when we did some research it sounded like Korcula was quite similar to other islands and as we have already seem quite a few in Greece we decided to go straight to Hvar.

The ferry was very nice and comfortable with huge windows but not long into the trip the rain started and when we stopped at Korcula en route it was very steady.

By the time we arrived in Hvar the rain had stopped, but not for long as it set in for the afternoon and was the coolest we had felt for a while.

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