Monday, June 24, 2024

Beachside living continued


As the weekend approached we fell into the beachy routine of wake up, go out for coffee, read, sleep (K) / walk-run (M), drink, eat repeat, though we did also spend a lot of time finalising and booking travel and accommodation for our planned trip home in July.

On Friday K had a visit from Carmen and her sister, where they sat on our rooftop admiring the view and practicing their English. 

Saturday was a busy day on the beach as locals came out in their numbers to take advantage of the warm weather.

Sunday night was the summer solstice and a big celebration for San Juan, which involves BBQs and bonfires on the beaches in Málaga and surrounds. We decided to head inland a hundred metres or so for dinner to escape the crowds, with a tasty moroccan style paella at a renowned local restaurant.

From our rooftop at midnight we watched everyone bathing in the sea for good luck as they made three wishes while jumping over three waves.

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