Shelly Beach, Shelly Beach Caravan Park
Along the way K, being a keen student of the human condition, has been using the trip to develop her anthropological theories on African women, as follows (M would like to stress that these have not undergone any form of rigorous statistical analysis - as far as he is aware):
- Their favourite colour is hot pink – and it suits them so well – followed by red.
- The majority of them wear wigs and hairpieces. They cut their hair close to their scalps & then wear every style you can imagine, from coiffured updo’s to long curled locks to bobs, you name it and it is all sold here – but only in black.
- They only come in two sizes – very thin or very fat. This goes for the men also.
- The women who work in tourist orientated jobs i.e reception, ticket selling etc treat you as a huge imposition. However the ones that work in other jobs i.e supermarket, petrol stations are very friendly. In contrast all the men are open and friendly.
- They walk at the same speed as every teenage girl who cleaned up paddocks at Danbury Park.
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