Kasane, Thebe River Safaris
However the most elephants we saw were actually outside the park on the side of the road on the way back to our lodge. Chobe doesn’t have any fences – it is not possible to keep the estimated 40,000 to 60,000 elephants contained behind a fence, so they roam free outside the town across the roads – a truly astonishing sight.
After the safari we headed in to Kasane where for only $5, M had the long talked about “hair cut” – the results of which he is currently undecided about, but he is pleased he will not need another one in a very long time!
We checked in for our river cruise at 3pm and came across heaps of hippos, elephants, crocs. We saw hundreds of impalas in one group - quite a sight when the most we'd seen previously in other parks was about 30 or so. Once again however we still saw the biggest group of elephants on the way back home outside the park – there were about 50 elephants standing only 500 meters from our lodge. In general however Chobe has had the largest concentration of wildlife we've seen so far, and this is the quiet season!
Bout time you cut that mop!
You can't keep hiding behind "anonymous", come out in the open!
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