Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 6 - Not that bus for 7 hours no way!

Praia Tofo, Annex of Aquatico Ocean Lodge

We were meant to be picked up from our hotel at 5am for the 7 hour bus ride to Tofo, however we were forgotten. By 6am a replacement taxi had been arranged to take us to the local bus station to get on a mini bus with the locals. The bus station was what you would expect Africa to be like - bustling, noisy, dirty. We were rushed onto the bus and told to take a seat - and then we waited....
Eventually we realised it wouldn't leave until it was full  - and their idea of full wasn't the same as ours! It finally left at 7.30am, with our suitcases on the floor between the seats. The thought of spending 7 hours cramped like sardines in the horrendous seats was daunting to say the least. Initially the road was covered in sand (due to roadworks) and the journey was looking pretty bad. However the road improved over time and our ipods made the trip bearable - especially for K, who was listening to the audio book "Power of One" - suitable reading for a journey through Southern Africa!
The bus continued to pick up people along the way although you wouldn't think it was possible to squeeze anyone else in. Every person on and off the bus for 7 hours used some poor person's case as steps - it was only at the very end of the trip that M realised it was his case they were using - his case has now been "Africaned"!  There was only one toilet/food stop on the way, many people (including M) couldn't be bothered negotiating bodies and cases to get to the door so exited via the window. The toilet stop was certainly interesting as using the toilet was optional, many women just went without any privacy, and appear to have mastered the art of standing up to go!
We finally made it to the beach haven of Tofo and our delightful room on the ocean by about 3pm - for four days of relaxation.

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