Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 153 - Last day in London

London (Leyton) to Luton - Hilton

We decided to visit Camden Market before saying goodbye to London but we seemed to turn up too early as it was very quiet. An hour or so after we arrived so did everyone else and the street became very busy, however the market itself didn't really excite us much (though it was certainly a step up from the markets back home).

We picked up our car back in Leyton and headed off to Cambridge with the view of spending the night there. However we arrived to find the place teeming with hordes of European teenagers, they were traveling in big groups making it very difficult to walk around some of the sights, so after walking the streets to take in some of the grand old buildings, and discovering that accommodation locally was quite expensive, we decided to keep on driving and pick somewhere else to stay the night.

The mystery hotel deals have been good to us so we picked one in Luton and once again got the Hilton, this time for only £50. The room was very nice and only a short drive from town, so we were very pleased with ourselves.

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