Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 164 - But the bed hasn't been made!

Granada to León

Today we caught a shuttle bus to León, it was a pretty easy "door to door" service. We were dropped off in the right street but not in exactly the right place. It was very hot and the directions we'd been given weren't 100% accurate, but with the help of a friendly local we finally found our accommodation. We were a little disappointed after we checked in as the bed wasn't made and the room hadn't been cleaned properly, the managers however were quite apologetic and agreed to fix the situation while we went for a walk to check out the city.

We had expected a place similar to pretty Granada so were a bit surprised to find a dirty and shabby city with nothing like the bars and restaurants that we had enjoyed in Granada, and as for the heat .... boy, was it hot! It didn't cool down later in the day either, so we started thinking we'd left Granada too soon.

When we eventually returned to our airbnb after doing some grocery shopping we found that the managers had been true to their word, the place was clean and looked so much better, so after cooling down in the great air conditioning we started to feel a bit better about the city and our choice of accommodation.

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