Saturday, August 20, 2016

Day 180 to 181 - Great place if you like lobster

San Pedro, Belize

As K wasn't too mobile after yesterday's escapades the time we spent in San Pedro was generally pretty quiet. We worked on the arrangements for our trip to Cuba, internet in Cuba is scarce and generally poor (we'd been told) so we were aiming to have as much as possible lined up before we arrived i.e. flights, accommodation, and also cash, since ATMs are limited.and credit cards aren't accepted.

We did still manage to get out and about a few times, there were some shopping trips for groceries and supplies, and on the second day we were able to walk (slowly) along the beach into town, past more evidence of the effects of Hurricane Earl.

We had a nice dinner on the last night at a beachside restauarant, where K had a tasty Lobster Thermidor, which was so large she couldn't finish it - lobster is plentiful and cheap here.

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