Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day 55 - Back to Rome

A travelling day today as we say left Morocco for a Rome for a stopover on the way to Lebanon. We had heard horror stories about Marrakech airport but we found it quite modern and efficient, nothing to worry about there. We caught a flight to Casablanca and then had a couple of hours layover before taking the next flight to Rome.

Once we landed in Rome we picked up our little hire car to head to our Airbnb near the beach. By the time we left the airport it was dark, something we we usually try to avoid as arriving at a new place at night can be difficult. We stopped off at a shopping centre on the way to look for a supermarket, once we were inside we could have been anywhere, shopping malls look the same all over the world.  The road we took to the seaside suburb of Fregene was very rough and it felt like we were driving through the country even though we were only 20 minutes from Rome airport.

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