Tuesday, August 16, 2022

You call that a scroll?

Gothenberg / Marstrand Island

We drove an hour out of Gothenberg to Marstrand Island, crossing bridges to many other islands along the way, we hadn't realised until now just how Sweden is comprised of so many islands.

The ferry trip to Marstrand was pretty short, just a few minutes. We arrived there around 11:15am to find that much of the seaside tourist town was still closed. It turns out that most cafes and shops didn't open until 12pm.  

We walked along the cobbled water front past some closed shops and some really nice looking hotels, there were also quite a few people sunbaking and swimming in temperatures we'd consider a little on the cool side. 

It also looked like getting around in bath robes was a bit of a thing, there were a few people walking around who looked as if they hadn't quite finished getting dressed before leaving the house.

We've developed a liking for the local versions of the cinnamon scroll, the Danes call them kanelsnegle, the Swedes call them kanelbullar, so on our way back to Gothenberg we stopped in the oldest part of town called Haga to visit Café Husaren, famous for their version called hagabullar. Standard scrolls are about 5-10cm in diameter, but at this café they are 30cm, and supposedly made to be eaten by just one person. We bought one to share and didn't quite finish it, though we did try very hard!

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