Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Day 3 - The longest day

Auckland to Buenos Aires

Our flight from Auckland to Buenos Aires didn't leave until 7pm, so we left our bags at the hotel and walked to the Auckland Museum. Auckland is pretty hilly, and the museum is on top of one of those hills (probably another one of those extinct volcanoes), surrounded by parkland and a nice view.

Gives the term "gardening" a whole new meaning!
The museum was interesting, with some Maori history and a war memorial. We also had a chance to try out virtual reality in an AIr New Zealand display, which was pretty cool ... I think I want an Oculus Rift now!

We picked up our cases and caught the airport bus, and once on board we settled in for the 12 hour flight to Buenos Aires. As we crossed the international date line we arrived four hours or so before we left ... so we ended up landing around 4pm.

We had a bit of trouble with getting a taxi, the airport taxi drivers get to pick and choose which fares they want to take, and for some reason they didn't seem to want to take us. Eventually though we made it to our airbnb apartment well located in town. We walked around for a whlle, then had dinner. 

By the time we had finished it was around 10pm, and since we had woken up around 8am NZ time, caught a plane at 7pm NZ time, arrived 12 hours later at 4pm Argentine time, then stayed up until 10pm, it had been a very long day ... but hopefully we'd managed to avoid jet lag as a result. 

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