Thursday, February 25, 2016

Day 4 - Don't roll your eyes at me, just do your job!

Buenos Aires

This morning we decided to walk to Recoleta, which is an upmarket suburb and also the area where Eva Peron is buried. We didn't go into the cemetery to see her tomb as we had visited it on our last trip, but we did walk to the giant lotus flower which we had missed last time. It is quite amazing how this massive metal structure resembling a lotus opens with the sun each day and closes as the sun goes down each evening.

Sure, it looks like a giant metal lotus flower,
 but what if it's really some sort of transmitter?
The weather was very warm and humid but much improved in the evening when we decided to walk back to the neighbourhood we had stayed at last time to revisit one of the great steak restaurants there. After reviewing the options though we decided to head back closer to home. It started pouring rain on the way so we ended up sheltering in a nice looking steak place for dinner. It was a good decision, although K was a little put out by the way the waiter rolled his eyes when we asked for pepper and chimmichurri.

By the time dinner was over the rain had stopped, so back to our apartment for an early night, as we had an early ferry to catch the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did she say don't roll your eyes at me do your job lol - courtney