Friday, February 26, 2016

Day 5 - Into the unknown (at last)

Buenos Aires (Argentina) to Montevideo (Uruguay)

An early start to catch the ferry across the Rio Plata to the historic city of Colonía del Sacramento in Uruguay. At this point we are now travelling to places we haven't been before. The water was full of some sort of weed that appeared to be clogging all the water ways, and at one stage the ferry stopped and an announcement was made about some problem with the river, but that was all K could grasp from the rapid fire Spanish, we got going again after about 10 minutes but only slowly.

Overlooking Colonia from the old lighthouse

We arrived in Colonía and spent a few hours wandering around the old buildings and the waterfront, it all looked very Spanish with cute plazas and open air cafes and restaurants, something that we noticed was missing in Buenos Aires. We then caught the bus for the two and a half hour trip to Montevideo.

We booked into our Airbnb apartment in a fabulous location right on the main street of the old city, then went exploring, following the waterfront which pretty much surrounded the city in three out of four sides.

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