Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 204 - Taking a toll

Key West to Orlando

In the morning we went for a walk around Key West, including a visit to the southernmost point in the US. There were lots of people lined up to get their photo at the "90 miles to Cuba" sign, we went and had a coffee before our 7+ hour drive to Orlando, at which point it started pouring rain.

The many bridges that link the keys are huge in length, at one point we had to stop at a draw bridge to let a yacht pass through. We were relying on Google Maps for our navigation, which was working very well for us, but we also discovered the Waze app was able to warn us that there were police up ahead, though it seemed that we were the only ones that kept to the speed limit.

We stopped at Miami South Beach on the way through for a late lunch, and took a walk on the very wide and clean beach, though the sand was a bit gritty and the water not quite the beautiful inviting colours we'd seen in the Caribbean.

After that it was back on the road to brave the chaotic traffic, with people speeding and changing lanes all over the place, and the numerous toll points which took us a while (and a couple of missed tolls) to work out - hopefully we won't get fined! Thanks to our trusty GPS we managed to negotiate the system of turnpikes, freeways and exits to make it to our Airbnb apartment in Orlando.

Halloween must be coming up
Our final task for the day was to get some dinner, so we went to a local supermarket where we marveled at the sheer size and variety of food on offer - makes our local Woolies look like a milk bar!.

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