Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Day 224 - Autumn colours


Having seen the Falls yesterday we didn't have much planned for today, we had read that there were some Amish communities in New York State, and when we did some research we found they were less than an hour from where we were staying, so we jumped in the car and headed south.

As we drove through the countryside the autumn colours were amazing, a mix of green, yellow and red leaves in the trees. We saw many Amish along the way, giving us a friendly wave as they drove their horse and cart along the side of the road, or working in the fields. At one spot we passed an Amish school, all the kids were playing outside, dressed in the same black and white clothing and all wearing wide brimmed hats. The Amish homes were generally easy to tell - washing lines full of plain black, white and blue clothing, no power lines running to the house, and a cart or buggy parked nearby.

We had hoped to stop in at some of the Amish farms to buy some produce or baked goods, but as it was a Tuesday the main places we were interested in were closed, they generally only open later in the week. There was one shop we wanted to visit and they said they were open but we needed to phone, as we didn't have a US phone that wasn't much use to us, and kind of funny that we were in Amish land but needed a phone. What was interesting was that we were in serious Trump country, the front lawns were plastered with Trump promotion and the occasional "Hillary for Prison" signs.

Later on at home as we were pottering about when we had a visit from a couple of deer, who had jumped the fence into the back yard and were munching on leaves. The older one wasn't too phased by us, but as soon as the younger deer saw us it jumped back over the fence and ran away, soon followed by the other one. There was deer repellent (whatever that is) hanging on the fence so we were sure the house owners wouldn't have been as thrilled about seeing deer in the back garden as we were.

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