Thursday, October 6, 2016

Day 228 - At the top of NYC

New York City

A beautiful day in NYC without a cloud in the sky meant we started the day off with a walk through the streets of Manhattan. Overall the traffic here has been quieter than we expected and the roads in the city area seem to be less congested than at home, though today it seemed a little more lively with more pedestrians walking and shopping - must have been because it was a nicer day.
The Maccas of shoeshine places?
We had bought combined tickets when we visited MOMA that included entry to the Top of the Rock, which is the observation deck of the Rockefeller building. We had put off visiting in the hope that the grey skies and weather would improve and it paid off as today was perfect.
The lift the to the 67th floor is incredibly fast and made more exciting by a glass ceiling so you can see how fast you are barreling upwards. The three different levels on the top were all interesting and the views were clear and spectacular, even if we couldn't agree whether it would have been better to see the view from here as soon as we arrived to get a better understanding of the layout, or whether it's better to wait a few days after you've had a chance to explore at ground level.

Autumn sunset in NYC
After that we headed home, and after doing some research on the local area to find a nice spot to spend the rest of the afternoon we found an outdoor restaurant/bar close to our apartment and watched the sun set over the Hudson River.

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