Saturday, October 8, 2016

Day 230 - The Nexus of the Universe

New York City

Yet another beautiful day, and warmer than yesterday as well, so we broke out the shorts and took to the streets again, walking all the way from our apartment on 105th St to the "Nexus of the Universe" (according to Kramer from Seinfeld, anyway) at the corner of 1st St and 1st Avenue, passing through many different districts of Manhattan along the way.

After walking all that way we rested by taking the subway back, then headed out again a short while later to follow the path on the edge of the Hudson River to the Boat Basin on W 79th St, After a couple of drinks there while soaking up the sun, we headed back to the place we'd visited yesterday afternoon.

There we got talking to a New York couple who presumed we were living here as we were in such a non-touristy area, that's one of the good things about Airbnb, you can stay in "non-tourist" areas and (maybe) get a bit of an idea of how the locals live.

Interestingly, even though the US is a lot more like home when compared to the other countries we've visited on this trip, we've found that free wifi at restaurants and bars isn't as widespread here as it is in Central and South America. That's possibly because everyone has a smart phone with internet access, though places like Starbucks have it, as you can tell by the number of people who seem to be parked there for the day with their laptops (nearly all Apple Macs of course!).

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