Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Day 16 Mykonos

We had arranged for a taxi to pick us up at 9am and take us to the old port to catch a 10am ferry to Delos which has a huge archaeological site. We realised when we arrived in town that we had been lucky that yesterday there was only one cruise ship in the harbour, today there were four. They are huge vessels that disgorge multitudes of 
tourists into cities in the morning and then suck them back in at night. It was a very different Mykonos today and we thought we may have chosen poorly to pick today to visit Delos.

The ferry left a little later than scheduled, and once we all swarmed off at the Delos end the organinsed tours went one way and the rest of us lined up at the ticket booth which was manned by only two people. We thought we would be smart and traverse the path in reverse to avoid the crowds, but we ended up finding that this had been a huge city, so there was room for everyone.

After catching the ferry back we went to the bus station to try our luck for a different destination. This time we found the next bus was leaving to Agios Stefanos so we jumped on that. Once we arrived we walked past the restaurants and bars until we found one that didn't charge for sunbed use and didn't have a minimum spend per head. Later on we lined up to catch the bus back and although all the seats were taken we managed to squeeze on by standing up in the aisle. What this meant though was that a number of people were left standing on the side of the road to wait for the next bus.

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