Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 37 Bajram Curri to Shkoder

From Bajram Curri we drove to Fierze and spent the morning hanging around waiting for the ferry that would take us along Lake Komani which is meant to be one of the great river boat rides of the world and the best in Europe. The ferry charges for vehicles at rate of 5 per square meter so M googled our car and made some calculations. 

Our little car was squashed on to the ferry and and we headed off for the 2 plus hour trip down what appeared to be a river but is actually a lake caused by damming. The weather was perfect and the scenery stunning, it was great to be enjoying some natural beauty after 5 weeks of visiting mostly man made sights. There aren't any pre-arranged stops on the way, if someone wants to get on they just wait at the side of the river and flag the boat down, the few small dwellings we saw appeared to be very basic.

All too soon we arrived at the dam at Komani and drove the very poor road to Skhoder for the night. As beautiful as the countryside is the area is spoilt by the amount of rubbish lying around everywhere, it appears as if the locals have got a bit of beautifying that they need to do if they want to attract more tourists.

It also seems that the local hotel and restaurant owners might have taken advice from the city of Skopje as there were a lot of not very good or appropriate statues and kitsch copied castles around the place, and of course we ended up eating at one such restaurant.

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