Saturday, April 2, 2016

Day 40 - Churches, graveyards, water


We headed off in the morning to take in the sights of Castro. We drove into town and wandered around checking out the main sights (as you do). We walked to see the Palafitos, which are brightly painted fishermens shacks built on stilts over the water. The old fishermen (and the current ones as well probably) must laugh over tourists finding their cheap homes a focus point.

This would have looked better at high tide
Chíloe is famous for its wooden churches, many of them designated as Unesco heritage sites. We thought we knew what to expect but we were surprised to find that the timber was not only the outside construction but also every piece of the inside part of the buildings. The church in Castro was quite impressive, after Castro we visited Nercon to see the church and graveyard there.

The priests here have a wooden delivery
We drove on to Dalcahue and had lunch there with a nice view over the water, then on to Chonchi for another wooden church, as well as a strange looking building which was almost just a facade, the second floor was just a metre or so deep. The ground floor opened out into a supermarket - no idea what the second floor was for - it all seemed weird to us.

Maybe they ran out of wood before they could finish?
Final stop on our drive for today was Cucao and the Chíloe National Park. We had a nice walk to the edge of the Pacific Ocean, where a couple of rivers flowed into the ocean. We gazed west but could see no sign of New Zealand, we knew it was out there somewhere though.

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