Saturday, April 16, 2016

Day 54 - Get yourself a pooper scooper guys


Rain had been promised in Valpo for the last few days and it finally arrived overnight so we spent most of the day as a lay day and used it do some forward planning. We went for a walk later in the day and even in the drizzle it's still a vibrant colourful city, with so many murals and lovely graffiti. However the streets are also spoiled with the spoils of having so many strays, you need to watch where your feet are going at all times. It's a shame the local government doesn't invest in a few pooper scooper men or maybe even a dog pound.

As much as Chile doesn't seem a particularly poor country compared to some we've visited, there are still people on the buses and sitting on street corners selling things like individual bandaids and nothing else, that has to be a hard way to make a living. However we haven't seen much in the way of homelessness or beggars, in general it seems most people have a purpose and somewhere to go, though that may just be because we are tourists and hang around in tourist areas.

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