Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 50 - Back to the weekday crowds


One thing we've noticed in South America so far is that there isn't any of the hassle or haggling we've experienced in other countries, the worst so far was probably the restaurants in the market yesterday, and not much anywhere else. The other day though we did get the old "Where are you from?" question from a guy we think was trying to get money out of us, M answered "Namibia" as he often does, but didn't expect the follow up question "What's the population of your country?" - a quick guess of "approximado dos milliones" turned out to be near enough correct!

We arrived in Santiago late on a Friday night, so we'd only seen the city over the weekend, and downtown Santiago was very different today as streets were packed with people, the shops were all open and there were stalls all over the footpaths as well - lots of people selling things you wouldn't even consider were worth selling, like the guy selling very old, used hard drives from a blanket on the ground. Still no hassle though, except the touts for the restaurants near the market seemed to be worse today.

Not much sightseeing today as we took advantage of decent internet to do some forward planning for our trip, plus we'll be back in Santiago later this week anyway.

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