Monday, April 11, 2016

Day 49 - Museum Day


As most museums are closed tomorrow we used today to visit some of the local museums. First off was the very interesting Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, covering indigenous history and artifacts from all over South and Central America. Lots of weapons, masks, statues and ceramics of course, plus some other very interesting things, such as intricate works of strings and knots used by the Incas for counting and book keeping, an exhibition of funerary mantles from the Paracas culture with great designs, and much more - well worth the visit. We then visited the Chilean National History Museum which we didn't think was quite as interesting, then off to the Bellavista neighbourhood for a late lunch.

Not as high as Cerro Cristobal
After lunch we climbed Cerro Santa Lucia along with all of the other Santiagians (is that a word) who were enjoying a pleasant Sunday afternoon. We finshed our sightseeing for the day with a quick visit to the famed Santiago Central market, although as it was Sunday only the seafood stalls and restaurants were open, with some pretty aggressive touts trying to get us into those restaurants, before heading home.

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