Tuesday, January 21, 2025

End of Tour!

Day 22 - Anomabo to Accra

On paper Anomabo to Accra doesn't look that far, about 124 km, however as we neared Accra the traffic got busier, while the roads got worse. It looked like they'd decided to upgrade the roads, but rather than do it a section at a time, they were trying to do it all at once! There was no asphalt, no lines, blockages and detours, it had become quite tedious.

We visited Independence Square (also known as Black Star Square) and the Independence Arch, before visiting a carpenter who builds custom made coffins, usually related to a persons' profession or interests. He'd just finished a sewing machine, and there were many others on display, such as a mobile phone, cigarette, shoe, lion and football. (Having a coffin as a cigarette doesn't really gel with the fact that we have not seen one person in West Africa smoking, as like in Sri Lanka smoking outside is illegal and it's really noticeable).

We stopped in Jamestown, the original settlement that grew to become Accra, and descending into a hole in the ground that was the original slave holding area.  

After a final group lunch we were taken to our hotel (the same one we'd stayed at in Accra before starting the tour) and everyone said their goodbyes, as some people were flying out that afternoon, or staying in different hotels.

Overall we are glad we did the tour, the group was small and everyone interacted well, and we feel that many of the places we visited and things we did would not have been possible if we'd tried to do it on our own. 

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