Saturday, January 4, 2025

How much to buy your falcon?

Day 5 - Doha

Another attempt to visit the Falcon hospital, this time it was open as well as very busy. There were many men lined up with their falcons to get them seen to. The hospital had an informative section where you could learn more about falcons, their features, countries of origin and skeletons. The directory of departments, diagnostics and procedures on the wall was remarkably like a human hospital. 

The area near the hospital was falcon related shops, selling the birds as well as accessories like hoods, gloves and perches, and they were quite happy for us to visit and ask questions.

After spending the morning at the souk, M spent the afternoon walking along the Corniche to the high rise buildings in central Doha, past the dhows and the touts looking for people to take a boat ride, and the families taking advantage of the very pleasant weather. 

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