Sunday, January 5, 2025

It's going to be a hot couple of weeks!

Day 6 - Doha (Qatar) to Accra (Ghana)

Another very early start for an 8:15am flight to Ghana, arriving early afternoon Ghana time. We were met at the airport by our hotel, and taken to what seemed like a little oasis in a sea of humanity, as the streets in Accra are chaotic with cars, people and roadside stalls.

We were staying in Osu which is known as a place for shopping, restaurants and night life, so after checking in we headed out to the Oxford Street. There was a lot of traffic and no footpath, with drains and potholes along the way, so at times it was a little tricky, and the heat and humidity didn't help. We managed to find a supermarket where we bought some water, sweating all the way back to our peaceful hotel where we had a pleasant dinner by the pool.

In a few days we need to be in Lomé in Togo but hadn't arranged any transportation, so we spent some time researching our options before another early night as we'd lost another three hours on today's flight.

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