Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 10 - Battambang - "Why do your arms and teeth look funny, are they real?"

Our moto driver Mr Mo picked us up at 9am and took us to the market to check out what was on the menu for the night. We passed frogs, snakes and dog legs combined with a dead rat lying on the path. We then drove to the bamboo train due to become extinct in January. Being a single track train whenever you met someone coming from the opposite direction someone had to take their "carriage" off the tracks until the other person passed. Being the "foreigners" i.e. paying more money than anyone else we embarrassingly had right of way until we came across one overloaded with fuel then we exited for them. We then drove around checking out the Wats (temples) in town & finished off at the orphanage. We took exercise books and pencils and were taken on a tour. The young children were very clingy including one little girl (covered in sores) who had only been there 10 days after being taken off the streets. They had quite a discussion pinching the skin on Kathryn's upper arm. Whether they were discussing the colour or fat remains a mystery, although Mike says it was the fat. One of the boys picked up that there was something strange about Kathryn's teeth (translated by the carer), the horrified look on his face when Kathryn removed her plate was priceless!

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