Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 28 - Ayutthaya to Bangkok "After 28 days, we're all 'watted' out!"

After breakfast we caught the ferry to the other side of the river and then a tuk-tuk to the first of many Wats in the town. We walked from Wat to Wat until we were all "watted" out then headed off for a tour of the quite small Ayutthayah Historical Centre. We then stopped for some lunch before catching a bus to Bangkok. The bus ride was quite easy at 1hr & 40 minutes and we finally ended up at our old faithful hotel, the Asia Hotel. This is our third stay at this hotel - it might not be the poshest but it has to have one of the best locations in Bangkok, being the only hotel with its own skytrain station, which means that wherever you want to go it is straight out the door and onto the fast, clean, cheap and efficient Skytrain.
Our first task was straight to the tailor next door for Mike to be measured for a new suit and shirts. The tailor made a couple of attempts to upsell to Kathryn but she couldn't really see herself standing in the paddock in a 3 piece suit!
It was then onto the train to what we thought was going to be the Siam/MBK shopping centre but instead was a new complex called Paragon, which sells everything from ice cream to Lamborghinis! We should be able to do our Christmas shopping here - but don't any of you look for something car shaped in your parcels!
Back on the train for dinner at a restaurant, however we couldn't find the one we had planned to go to so ended up at another one instead. Followed by another trip on the skytrain back to Paragon for dessert. Only to find the first place we came across was actually a branch of the same restaurant we had just travelled miles to have dinner at! Told you the Paragon has everything!
Finally starting to feel quite weary we headed back to the Asia to do our blog. One small problem there is no free internet at the Asia Hotel, but resourceful Mike has found a way.... sshhh.....

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