Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 29 - Bangkok "I didn't think getting a tattoo would hurt so much"

You could call today a shopping day - with both Christmas and the end of the trip looming, we had a few things to catch up on. Headed off to Chattuchak Market in the morning - the market is huge but having been to quite a few markets on this trip in all sorts of places already there wasn't much there that we were too excited about .... after an hour or so we headed back into the centre of the city for lunch, in the fabulous MBK food court.
After lunch, off to Panthip Plaza to fill some orders for music and software, then later in the day we went to the Patpong Night Market just as the stalls were setting up to check out the latest in fake clothing and watches. More purchases there, Kathryn bargaining hard and taking advantage of the "first sale" tradition where the stall holders believe that an early first sale will give them good luck.
While having a drink at one of the less seedy bars on Patpong 1, we were approached by a seller of temporary tattoos that we decided to take advantage of (I really really hope it is temporary and eventually washes off ...... ).

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