A quiet day today after the temple explorations of the last couple of days. We slept in (until 8am!) and after breakfast Kathryn went to the hotel counter to confirm our flights to Laos tomorrow. While there she noticed that the exchange rate for Australian dollars was only US$0.50 - this was a big drop from the rate of $0.70 that was there for the previous couple of days and which we had already taken advantage of. The hotel had finally worked out that their exchange rates were a little out of date .... they would have found this out when they banked the AUS$190 that Mike had already changed!! It's a bit sad when you think US$0.70 is a good deal ......!
We then headed into Siem Reap to avail ourselves of some free WiFi so we could update the work of literary art which is this blog. Some shopping in the market (again ....), and then off to some of the more tourist oriented shops to see if there was anything we'd missed .... after two quick stops it was apparent that all we'd missed was the 500% markup they charged. Needless to say we didn't buy anything.
Back to Siem Reap, a quick look in the Night Market where we discovered the new massage technique of Dr. Fish. For only $3 for 15 minutes, you can put your feet into a pool of fish and watch them eat your dead skin from your feet. One guy there was very popular with the fish .... while we were laughing at him and the others there, he said "I was a size 9 before I started ....".
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