Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 11 - Battambang Countryside "Hello Kitty!"

Mr Mo and his uncle collected us this morning on a motorbike each, no such thing as helmets or any kind of safety here as we head off down a road so dusty we have to stop & buy facemasks. Mike was sure everyone was laughing at him in his Hello Kitty face mask. We climbed to the top of Wat Phnom Sampeau, where we saw another monument to the people killed by the Khmer Rouge, next to the hole in the cave where the victims were thrown to their deaths.

Off to Wat Bannan next, where we were hassled by a woman telling us "slow slow" and wafting us with a giant fan as we climbed the 358 steps to the top. After several attempts we finally persuaded her that we were quite capable of climbing without any assistance. Nice views at the top, then back to the hotel where we had been moved to the most ridiculously large room in the whole of Battambang.

We walked into town and sat on a balcony in a restaurant relaxing for a while, then dinner at the Asian Beer hotel, where we were greeted by 20 young girls all bowing to us as we entered, which Mike thinks would be a good thing to introduce in Australia.

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