Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 80 - Don't always trust the hotel guy .....

La Paz

Get your safety pins here!
Today was our last day in La Paz so we took it easy getting organised for our trip into Peru and planning the next few days of our trip.

We did make a tactical mistake though, we had asked the guy at the hotel two days ago how best to get to Puno in Peru, and he offered to arrange the bus tickets for us. It ended up being a mistake, since by this afternoon we hadn't seen the guy for two days, we were told by his assistant that he had the tickets for us, but we had to hand over the money first .... and it was at least twice as much as we thought they should cost. We hoped he was getting buses from a better company (we've found quite often then there is more variety and flexibility in bus quality and departure times when buying direct from the bus station, when compared with the internet).

After waiting all day he finally showed with the tickets, and of course they were exactly the same as the ones we could have bought online for half the price .... lesson learnt!!

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