Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 87 - Return to Cusco

Ollantaytambo to Cusco

There are a number of old Inca sites in what they call the Sacred Valley, so we managed to negotiate a taxi to take us back to Cusco via Pisac. We arrived at the ruins above the town of Pisac a bit before noon to find the place swamped with buses and masses of people, luckily though they were on their way out, they would have been on tours from Cusco. We had looked into doing a Sacred Valley tour from Cusco, now we're glad we didn't decide on that option.

Follow the leader
Pisac was mainly an agricultural site, with stone terraces built into the side of the mountain and supporting buildings at the top, it was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the site, as well as the views on the drive back to Cusco, which was a lot more comfortable than our minibus ride the other day.

Once back in Cusco we walked to the bus station to purchase bus tickets for Arequipa. We had found that the tickets available online were overnight trips only, and even though they are premium services with "cama" seats that lie flat, we prefer to travel during the day. So far we've always been able to find a time that suits us at the bus stations. We found a bus that left at 8am, so booked it for two days time.

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