Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day 93 - Desolation

Arequipa to Nazca

Back on the bus again, and in the front seats as well. The landscape after leaving Arequipa was amazing, total desolation, sand and rocks for hundreds of miles and barely a living plant in sight, except for the irrigated areas which were strips of green heading towards the ocean. There were plenty of condors to see as well - more than we ever saw at Colca Canyon.

We had read that Nazca wasn't that nice a town, but it seemed fine to us. It looked like a primary school concert was in in the town plaza, kids and parents everywhere. It was definitely warmer, and quite pleasant walking around in the evening, and we spent the evening at a restaurant on a terrace overlooking the square.

One very noticeable thing was lack of traditionally dressed people, not a bowler hat or pleated skirt to be seen anywhere.

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