Sunday, December 3, 2023

Flight cancelled (as expected)

Day 13 Franz Josef to Wanaka

The rain had stopped by the morning and we we were hopeful as we watched the fog and clouds start to lift, we thought we might be in with a chance.

To fill in the time we drove back to the glacier walk and today the view had improved, so we had a good clear view of the glacier which was not too far away.

By the time we arrived back in the village by 12pm we could see the clouds had descended again and it was obvious that we wouldn't be flying, confirmed a few minutes later by the helicopter company.

We left Franz Josef and drove on to Wanaka stopping at Fox glacier village for lunch. On the way the weather improved and we were shocked to see the temperature climb as high as 27, we thought we'd left the warm weather behind.

Wanaka is a ski village on the edge of Wanaka Lake, and was a pretty spot with snow capped mountains in the background, a pretty waterfront, and quite a few nice bars and restaurants. 

M took a walk along the edge of the lake, and found #ThatWanakaTree, along with a bunch of people taking pictures of it, presumably for likes on their Instagram.

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