Saturday, December 9, 2023

Windy windy windy

Day 19 Invercargill to Dunedin

We travelled the southern scenic route through the Caitlins, regularly feeling as if we were going to be blown off the road in the very strong winds. We drove to Slope Point, the southernmost point of the South Island, to complete an epic traversal of the country from Cape Reinga in the North.

Then it was on to Curio Bay and the sarcastically named Niagara Falls for lunch, someone with  a wry sense of humour had named this trickle after its North American counterpart.

Dunedin is hilly university town based around an octagonal centre (called The Octagon), and on arrival we discovered it was graduation day for many students, as the place was awash with students in their black gowns along with their families celebrating the end of their hard work.

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