Friday, December 8, 2023

Surely you must be bluffing

Day 18 Queenstown to Invercargill

We decided we might have been a bit quick to judge the main town area on the water at Queenstown so we drove back there for a coffee before we continued our drive south. We parked at the opposite end of the bay to where we'd stopped a couple of days ago, before finding a place right on the water for our morning coffee starter. It was quite pleasant though we did have to contend with floating ash descending upon us from the steam boat that was about to depart. 

We watched tourists being taken out in what looked like enclosed jet skis that can go under water. They are called Hydra attack semi submersible shark ride that dive down and then leap up from the water at high speeds.

We drove out of Queenstown and on to Invercargill, but rather than check in to our hotel immediately we continued further south to Bluff. K checked out the Great White Shark cage diving experience, hoping to go out the next day but was told that tomorrow's trip had been cancelled as the weather was going to turn nasty in about 12 hours.

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