Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Will we fly?

Day 16 Te Anau to Queenstown 

Our poor planning meant that we were now back tracking to go to Queenstown, we really don't know why we didn't just stop there before going on to Te Anau. 

As we had missed out on the scenic flight at Franz Joseph we had a look online to see if we could find one out of Queenstown that took in Mt Cook, but as we should have known everything was booked out for the following day. However we put our names down to join a waiting list with no expectations. 

Later in the afternoon while driving we received a call saying that they could take us on a light plane the following morning at 8am which we accepted.

We arrived into Queenstown at lunchtime but were surprised to find the waterfront area was very touristy, not what we expected after what we'd seen elsewhere in NZ.

As it turns out the place we'd booked to stay in was out of the tourist centre but practically across the road from the airport we'd leave from the next day, so we think we planned that part of it pretty well at least!    

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