Sunday, December 10, 2023

That's a steep ask

Day 20 Dunedin to Christchurch

Our three week NZ holiday is coming to a close as we start our final day of driving. Before leaving Dunedin we visited "the steepest street in the world", Baldwin Street. It's a narrow suburban street that halfway along steepens dramatically. Even on a Sunday morning there were many tourists doing ridiculous poses, presumably for their Instagram or Facebook, such as lying on the road. We felt sorry for the residents of the street not only having to negotiate steep driveways but also having to dodge idiotic sightseers. We kept to the footpath and didn't take our car up the street, because we are perfectly behaved tourists and possibly the most respectful and least obtrusive tourists in the entire world (in our humble opinion).

The drive from Dunedin to Christchurch was quite boring compared to previous days, as the landscape between Dunedin and Christchurch is nearly all cultivated farmland, the impressive scenery of earlier in our trip was now behind us. One thing worth mentioning though is that New Zealand's pine hedges are impressive, they are so high, long, well maintained and everywhere, with farm after farm bordered by meticulously trimmed trees framing their paddocks. 

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