Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Day 17 - Contamination risk

Drake Passage

A better night's sleep tonight, you eventually get used to the rolling, so you could say we now have our sea legs, but we are also lucky that so far the wind has been mild so the sea is not too rough.
Our wake up call this morning told us that the outside temperature had dropped from 7 degrees yesterday to just 1 today.

The first lecture of the day was about the landings, how to behave with the wildlife, getting on and off the zodiacs (which are the boats used for landings), and the need to clean our boots before and after each excursion, to stop contamination from us but also to keep the smell of penguin poo off the ship. Later in the day we had to vacuum any clothing brought with us, once again to reduce the risk of contamination.

 Our first wildlife (other than birds) was spotted today, a pod of hour glass dolphins swam along side the ship for a short time, for us they were unusual as they are black and white in colour, not the grey dolphins we are used to.

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