Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 33 - Fancy meeting you here

El Calafate to San Carlos de Bariloche

Time to kill today, our flight isn't until 4.30pm but we had to check out at 10.30am. As today is Good Friday we weren't sure what we'd find, the opening hours of shops in both Argentina and Chile haven't exactly been tourist friendly so far, with dead Sundays and aimless tourists looking for something to do when the shops and cafes are closed. However as El Calafate is very much a tourist town (with prices to match) we we had nothing to worry about.

It was a beautiful day so we sat out the front of a cafe with a hot chocolate and alfajores,  The wifi wasn't too good, but at least the sun was out and we used the time to do some more trip planning for after Easter.

Our flight to San Carlos de Bariloche was uneventful, although we were surprised to see someone from the Antarctica cruise on the flight. We thought we had stopped running into people but this guy was sitting across the aisle from us!

We finished the day with the great steak meal at a restaurant nearby - the food was so good that we booked a table there again for our last night in Bariloche on Easter Monday.

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