Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 19 - Accosted by penguins

Antarctica - Port Charcot and Petermann Island

Once again were were woken by a cheery "Good Morning, Good Morning" at 7:15am - this is getting a bit annoying!

As we headed to our first landing point the ship navigated the Lemaire Channel, incredibly scenic as it is relatively narrow with icebergs of all shapes and sizes. The huge scale, colour and shapes of the mountains, glaciers and icebergs are breathtaking. It has to be the most beautiful place on earth, photos and TV can't show the sheer size and scale of the ice.

Were able to get onto the first zodiac for the landing this morning at Port Charcot, and there is something to be said for walking the fresh snow before it comes icy and wandering around before the rest of the passengers arrive. We hiked up to a cairn built by the first expedition to the site, and spotted out first Chinstrap penguin, easily spotted with a stripe like a helmet strap.

Follow the leader
During lunch we continued through the channel, past icebergs with seals lying in their floating water beds, humpback whales being very lazy, and of course numerous penguins. The icebergs have nothing on earth to be compared to they resemble massive, exquisite, intricate sculptures made by the most talented artists on earth with huge spectrum  of blues.

The second excursion was to Petermann Island, where once again we hiked to vantage points and admired the massive icebergs. K was accosted by two friendly penguins who decided to follow her and peck at her clothes and legs, ouch!

Mmm, are you food?
That evening there was a BBQ on the outer deck and free alcohol, which meant the day culminated in a friendly party atmosphere.

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