Thursday, March 17, 2016

Days 24 and 25 - Across the dreaded Drake

Drake Passage to Ushuaia

Heading back to Ushuaia, the two day trip across the Drake Passage was occupied with lectures, discussions about sea sickness drugs, and what we did on our holiday. Attendance at meals was a little down, as it seems some people were sticking to their beds due to sickness, or because there was too much food available and too little to do!

Apparently however the Drake was relatively kind to us, apart from a few people falling and one poor girl needing stitches for her hand being slammed in the bathroom door.

The last evening was finished off with Captain's cocktails and some photos of the trip were shown - we were thrilled to see a photo of the two of us sitting on a rock back in Paradise Bay.

There is a mixed feeling of sadness that our incredible, beautiful trip to a place we will never go to again is over, mixed with relief that we are escaping the confines of wake up calls, rigid meal times and menus, and a lack of freedom (and internet!).

Land ho!


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