Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 18 - We never promised you a summer holiday

Antarctica - Foyn Harbour and Neko Harbour

A very different wake up this morning, the ship is still, it's a great feeling to be able to shower without hanging on with one hand. Up to this stage washing your hair (for those of us that have hair) had to be a sitting down affair. The temperature is now one degree, but the plus is that we saw hump back whales right outside our cabin window, and of course there are heaps of icebergs - we've reached Antarctica!

We rugged up to go on our first excursion which was a zodiac cruise. We all have a tag on the wall that we have to turn to red as we leave the ship and back to green when we return - it's a bit like clocking on and off at work.
Yes, it's cold
The zodiac cruise was excellent, as we whizzed around the icebergs checking out the sea lions and the Gentoo penguins on the shore.

The second excursion later in the day was our first land excursion in Neko Harbour. Here we hiked to a lovely vantage point, taking care to step over the penguin highways and always stopping to give the penguins right of way, There were hundreds of Gentoo penguins, sitting, standing, lying, squawking, or flapping their wings at each other.

The high point of our walk looked over a massive glacier that we were all hoping would crack (or calve, which is the correct term) but alas there was only a small crumbling.

He's not alone, there are about 100 more just outside the frame
The trip is very well organised with a debrief at the end each day which includes information on the plan for the next day, although it is always subject to change as it is weather and iceberg dependent. 

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